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Beth Israel Links


Beth Israel Celebrates 100 Years!!
InterMountain Jewish News -

The National Yiddish Book Center is offering an online Yiddish course for beginners.  Registration was last month but be aware that they hold this class now and again.  Keep their website handy.  There are lots of resources on it!

Mizel Museum in Denver Center for Education, Learning and Life-Change - http://www.mizelmuseum.org

Loup Jewish Community of Denver - www.jccdenver.org

Jewish Genealogical Society of Colorado - www.jgsco.org

Researching the history of your house (thanks Mary) - https://www.homeadvisor.com/r/a-guide-to-researching-the-history-of-a-house

Ellis Island links and information (thanks Emily) - https://libertycruise.nyc/packages/history-of-ellis-island

AI genealogy. (thanks James) - https://www.aiprm.com/education/ai-for-genealogical-research

Our city - http://www.visitgreeley.com

Torah Tots - Activities for children relating to Judasim and the holidays: http://www.torahtots.com/home.htm 

Intermountain Jewish News – news from the area – sometimes we are even featured! http://www.ijn.com

Jewish Colorado - http://www.jewishcolorado.org

Jewish Federations - http://www.jewishfederations.org

Nechama Disaster Relief - http://www.nechama.org

Conservative Judaism - http://www.uscj.org

Orthodox Union - http://www.ou.org

Reconstructionist Judaism - https://www.reconstructingjudaism.org

Reform Judaism - http://www.urj.org

Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America - http://www.hadassah.org

Jerusalem Post - http://www.jpost.com

Ask anything you wish about Judaism. Rabbis are online to help. http://www.askmoses.com

Interactive Jewish Calendar. Find out when Passover falls next year (etc) - http://www.hebcal.com

The Jewish Children’s Learning Network - http://www.akhlah.com/

Lists of recommended books for children and adults - http://www.jewishlibraries.org

Did you know that there are 240 wineries in Israel? Recommend Israeli wines to your local wine shop. The following site has a bit of history and a listing of other sites specific to Israeli vineyards and wines: http://www.chiff.com/wine/mid-east/israel.htm

Forward newspaper http://www.forward.com/

Moment magazine http://www.momentmag.com/

Jewish Women’s Encyclopedia - It features biographies, essays, and photographs and illustrations on a wide range of Jewish women through the centuries. Accessible and free to Internet users all over the world, its thematic and visual links make it possible to draw connections across time and space in ways that are impossible in a printed book: http://jwa.org/encyclopedia

Online worship services

Live and recorded musical and traditional Shabbat services from Denver https://www.youtube.com/@HebrewEducationalAlliance

Live and recorded musical Shabbat services from Los Angeles https://www.youtube.com/@HamakomLA

Live and recorded musical Sephardic Shabbat services from New York Bnai Jeshurun on youtube

Live and recorded musical Shabbat services from New York Live Streaming at Central Synagogue

Live and recorded international Shabbat services from Miami Beit Torah

ROKU TV Channels
JBS - Jewish news and documentaries
JLTV - Jewish news and documentaries

Jewish and Israeli movie streaming service Chai Flicks







Holocaust Survivor Cookbook

Click here for a full description of this historical cookbook or visit survivorcookbook.org. If you're interested in ordering a copy, contact Nomi
and she will compile a list so we can order in bulk.